all character files that kayootie has made
Here you can find many of the characters Kayootie has made, their IQOL & ToT! .txt files, and the Mods they require to work. Warning: you may need to adjust your IQOL server sliders for some characters.
ToT!: Copy .txt content, in-game press shift+b, click the correct category, create new profile, click the horizontal lines on the right of the profile, paste into blank profile's export, and press import.
IQOL: Install here, then import in-game using shift+m:
Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Conan Exiles/Sandbox/Saved/Saved Games
IQOL/ToT! characters

Orc Mistress
Mods Used:
GrimProductions - Armor
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
Barbarian Barber - Hair
RA Fantasy Extension - Ears
ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Scars/Layered Makeup/Warpaint/Oil
Exiles Extreme - Tusks
Woodland Feline
Mods Used:
GrimProductions - Armor/Ears/Tail/Feet
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup

pale Hare
Mods Used:
GrimProductions - Armor/Ears/Tail/Feet
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup
Mods Used:
GrimProductions - Armor/DragonSkin/Horns/Tail
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
Barbarian Barber - Hair
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup
Warpaint: Drowned Warpaint

GrimProductions - Armor
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
Barbarian Barber - Hair
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup/Oil
GrimProductions - Armor
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
Barbarian Barber - Hair
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup

GrimProductions - Outfit
Grim's Wonderbody Reupload - Body
Barbarian Barber - Hair
RA Fantasy Extension or ToT! - Eyes
RA: Character Customization - Layered Makeup